Dr.G.V.Krishna Rao Trust was inaugurated today at Srinivasa Nursing home, old club road, headed by Dr.G.V.Krishna Rao, who has been practicing for last 50 years.

His son, Dr.G.S.Satish Kumar and  Dr.Jahnavi have formed a Trust by name’ DR.G.V.KRISHNA RAO TRUST’ and was inaugurated by Hon. Minister for Rural Development Sri. Dokka Manikya Vara Prasad.

Dr.G.V.Krishna Rao has presided over the function.

As one of the activities of the trust, BSSVocational Paramedical courses center in the same premises was inaugurated by Hon. MLA (Guntur 1) Sri. Shaik Mastan Vali  These courses will be of immense help to many experienced but not qualified medical personnel working in various private and corporate hospitals and  unemployed youth desirous of getting a job in medical field.

Dr.Challa Mohan Rao Superintendent of Govt . General Hospital Guntur Inagurated the administrative office of BSSVE and ICU



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